Tag: Data

Nov 15, 2021
Summer 2021 – Airport Capacity Analysis, and Findings for Covid-19 Market Recovery

Find our analysis on the Summer 2021 capacity analysis versus the previous years to understand the winning strategy to recover from the Covid-19 crisis. We focused on the French speaking aviation, and cover the European, African, and North American market. For the link to the article: https://aeroportlemag.net/index.php/2021/11/08/1061/

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Sep 03, 2021
AIR.PM Intelligent: +40 Macroeconomic Indicators Updated!

AIR.PM Intelligent objective is to provide you with market intelligence at the origin and destination level up to multiple macroeconomic indicators, forecast future demand, estimate market seasonality and special events, monitor and enhance your route profile and cost of operations, and monitor your airline performance. This summer our data team has updated more than 40 […]

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Nov 03, 2020
Explanable Artificial Intelligence

Black Box system’s model provides Optimization without Justification. Predictive Mobility is using Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to make our Results Transparent, Interpretable, Reproducible, re-Traceable, re-Enactive, and most of all Comprehensible by everyone! Once upon a Time in Cyberworld It all started from the brilliant intellect of a group of three; one mathematician, a neurophysiologist, and […]

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